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About Us

About The Organization

GOD has called me for this mission, And he prepared me throughout my life for these lessons and equip me to handle many people who have been through some of the same circumstances homelessness, domestic violence, child abuse, mental illness, and disability. I’m here to be able to help people get through this by serving God and showing them unconditional love

About The Founder

Apostle Yasmeen Pulliam is a woman who has been through the same Scenarios that she is offering to the public, and her mission is to heal what has been altered through the Word of God and showing that there is still hope and Give unconditional love to the people who are ready to receive it.

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Our Vision

The strategic plan for Remnant Covenant International Ministries aims to further the following organizational vision:

To serve God by showing Christ’s ever-present love, and mercy to the world through leadership in domestic social outreach ministry. As Moors, we support and encourage all to adhere to our 5 principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

Our Vision

To help any persons seeking a positive change in their lives through hands-on spiritual guidance, job training, and psychological assistance under the many services provided by Remnant Covenant International Ministries.

Action Steps

A Blueprint to a New Beginning is a 36-60 month program set up to restart lives. The Health is Wealth Campaign will raise funds to assist participants suffering from mental health issues by trained providers. Yes, Please and Thank You is a facility set up for Remnant Covenant International Ministries participants to get hands-on training to work in areas such as hospitality, business administration, and some Healthcare facilities. Our Heavenly Holistic Lounge will allow for a rest and rejuvenation with our all-natural ingredients. Also, we are a non-denominational ministry that accepts ALL religions as we are a part Free World.

Our Team

Apostle Yasmeen Pulliam


Brenda Ellis


Kimberly Baez